Trans-Catalonië. Van het hooggebergte naar de zee

Trans-Catalonië. Van het hooggebergte naar de zee
"Cuando pedaleas por el centro de estas montañas, aparecen inhóspitas, altas y estiradas inconmensurablemente. Las montañas os llevan a la razón. Hacen tangible el poder de la naturaleza, la insignificancia del hombre.”
The article is written in a very positive manner, with lots of focus on details of the surroundings and experiences.The writer went from the high mountains to the sea in four days, being surprised by the variety of landscapes. The biking route is naturally on the focus, but almost even more the nature is mentioned and enjoyed by the writer. It is said that the biking route is sometimes challenging, but always worth it. The atmosphere of serenity is enjoyed a lot.