Solsonès - Vall de Lord
Sant Llorenç de Morunys is the starting point for all the routes. The natural environment is magnificent, surrounded by first-rate mountains such as Port del Comte Massif. There is water here too, mainly thanks to Llosa del Cavall reservoir but also to the emblematic Cardener Springs. The Romanesque churches and hermitages in the area add extra charm to the experience.
Some routes are extremely challenging, with elevations of well over 1000m, such as Pratformiu and La Bòfia routes. However, not all the itineraries are for experienced cyclists: suitable, uncomplicated itineraries for beginners are also available.
Several villages in the area offer interesting local cuisine that will restore your energy after a long day on the saddle.
Solsonès-Vall de Lord
Carretera de Berga s/n
Sant Llorenç de Morunys 25282
T_0034 973 492 181