Der Tren dels Llacs schlängelt sich durch Berge, Brücken, Tunnel und spektakuläre Schluchten. Dieser einzigartige Zug ermöglicht es den Fahrgästen, die Natur zu erleben, ohne einen Fuß aus dem Wagen
The Gorges del Núria Inferior ravine consists of making the second part of the ravine Gorges del de Núria. The approach of this second section is shorter and the descent itself is also shorter
Sant Aniol ravine is an incredible and very aquatic ravine where the colors of the turquoise green wells will not leave us indifferent meanwhile we do canyoning at Sardenes in La Garrotxa area Sant
Ravine of the Curve is s a medium/advanced ravine. We will enjoy a lot of the flora and fauna that surrounds us in this ravine and it is near the town of Bruguera (Ripollès area) in the catalan
The Freser inferior ravine is a water ravin and it is located in Ripollès near the town of Queralbs in the Pyrenees and its ideal to get started in the passionate world of canyoning in Catalonia The
Black hole ravine is a a ravine of beginner/middle level, very beautiful descent in which we will combine abseils of different heights up to 15 meters, jumps and dexterity The descent is between 2
Bóixols canyon is an initiation ravine ideal for the little ones and all those who want to learn / get started in the world of ravines and canyoning at the Pyrenees in Catalonia What will we do
The Gorges del Núria ravine is located at the valley of Núria in the Ripollès area. You can enjoy this technical an aquaticcanyon in the Catalan Pyrenees Very aquatic ravine that combines slides of up
Erleben Sie ein aufregendes Abenteuer beim Abstieg der Infern-Schlucht in Sort, mit kraftvollen Wasserfällen und atemberaubenden Landschaften in den Pyrenäen, empfohlen für Personen mit etwas